Restore With Overwrite

This endpoint will restore a bot in the current token account, overwriting the current token bot. The target bot will be completely overwritten.

Restore calls are throttled at 1 call per bot per hour. Trying to restore a bot before the expired hour will result in an error.


The following request will return a full bot backup:

curl --location --request POST 'https://<SERVICE ENDPOINT>/bots/restore/overwrite' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <BOT_AUTH_TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \    
--data-raw '...' 


If successful, the response will contain both the API Token and the API Secret of the newly created chatbot.


Response Codes

This endpoint will reply with the following standard HTTP codes.




Ok. The request has been successfully fulfilled.


Bad Request. The supplied token is invalid or does not have enough permissions.


Not Found. The bot specified by the token could not be found.

Last updated

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