
This endpoint will retrieve the list of all the variables that are currently available in the bot specified by the bot token.


The following request will retrieve the list of all variables:

curl --location --request GET 'https://<NODE>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <BOT_AUTH_TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'


If successful, the response will contain the list of all the variables available for the provided Bot Token. The list is alphabetically sorted by Name.

If the bot doesn't have any variables, the Result array will be empty.

    "Result": [        
            "Name": "bot_channel",
            "CategoryType": 0,
            "Name": "bot_name",
            "CategoryType": 0,
            "Name": "chat_state",
            "CategoryType": 0,

The CategoryType value is mapped as follow:

Response Codes

This endpoint will reply with the following standard HTTP codes.

Last updated